网页报价_聊城seo_360站长_在线购物商城系统 ABSTRACT

The Xinjiang Tourism and Culture Promotion Website is an online platform specifically designed to showcase Xinjiang's natural scenery, historical culture, and ethnic traditions. This website aims to provide tourists with comprehensive Xinjiang tourism information, while enhancing the attractiveness of Xinjiang tourism brands through exquisite images, detailed content, and interactive features. The construction of a website is of great significance for promoting Xinjiang's tourism resources, promoting local economic development, and enhancing Xinjiang's international image. This article describes the development based on Java language, where MySQL is chosen as the backend database for data storage. The main function of this software is to manage the promotion of tourism and culture in Xinjiang. This article mainly introduces the design intention of the application, the general process of functional implementation, and provides a detailed explanation of the design concept of the Xinjiang Tourism Culture Propaganda Management Platform, the development and design of the database, and the design of functional modules.

Keywords: tourism culture; Java; MySQL






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